Supervision in my view is an alchemical vessel, space for reflection and insight from the dynamic exchange between the practitioner and client, and the supervisee and the supervisor. I love supervision (whether individual or in the group) as it is inherently very creative process. My aim is to utilise an experiential and creative ways of working to facilitate supervisee’s insight and growth. 

I hold a Diploma in Integrative Supervision for Individuals and Groups. I am UKCP approved supervisor. As a member of UKCP accredited psychotherapy school – humanistic integrative modality, I offer training supervision. I also work as clinical supervisor for diverse team of practitioners and trainees in community mental health organisation, as well as consult with team leaders and individual practitioners. I also supervise teaching teams in training organisations.

I work in person in London or on line. The individual sessions are 50 minutes. If you are considering having supervision with me, I would arrange with you an initial session where it would be possible to meet, discuss what you are looking for, I what can offer and how I work. It also would be possibility for us to find out whether working together is viable option.

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